We all need HOPE in these extraordinary times. These short video devotions are meant to encourage us to look to the Steadfast Hope we have in Jesus. In Hebrews 6:17-19 Jesus is described as the hope set before us and the anchor of our souls. There, we who have fled for refuge in Him are encouraged to hold fast to this hope that is sure and steadfast. When the Bible uses the word hope, it does not mean mere wishful thinking. Rather, hope in the Scripture means a confident assurance that God is presently at work for His glory and for our good as we look expectantly to the future. The hope we have is a settled trust in the unwavering faithfulness of God. We have a strong confidence, that cannot be shaken or moved because of what Jesus has accomplished.
Jesus said “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me.” In this video pastor David gives a short video devotion on John 14:1 explaining why our hearts should not be troubled.
The source of real hope is not found in wealth, wisdom or Washington. In this short video devotion about Psalm 78:3-7 Pastor David explains how our hope is found in God alone. Stop hoping in money, approval, health, a successful career, your looks, your knowledge or the government. Rather hope in God. Trust in God! Let me encourage you to think on the greatness of God. Remember His track record and then rely upon Him.
In this short video devotion from John 10:10-18 Pastor David explains how our hope is found in our Good Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep.
What makes Good Friday good? In this video devotional Pastor David explains the Good News that flows from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It was by His substitutionary death in the place of sinners that Jesus did the ultimate good work and this was all according to God’s good plan.
In this short video devotion Pastor David explains how real hope is only clearly seen when set against a just punishment we rightly deserve. Our good God, the LORD, is just and merciful.
Why would God allow a global pandemic? Jesus gives us at least one reason in Luke 13:1-5 for why suffering and evil are in the world. Natural calamities and even human evil are a divine call, summoning all people everywhere to repent. In this short video devotion Pastor David explains why suffering should cause us to consider how fragile our lives are and then turn from our sin and seek God’s mercy.