Family Ministry

Family Ministry

We love doing gospel life together as the family of God in Christ. We at Brookville Baptist consider it a high honor to call one another “brothers” and “sisters” here! God in His sovereignty has placed people from various backgrounds, income-levels, marital statuses, and ages in to these churches, and He has done so to show off His power and glory in the gospel of Christ! We are a family of people who have had our lives forever changed by Jesus! Come do gospel life together with us and enjoy gathering around the “family table” with Jesus at the Head!

We also seek to honor King Jesus by obeying His Word when it comes to families. We believe God has ordained Dads and Moms to be the primary teachers and disciplers of their children (Deuteronomy 6; Psalm 78; Proverbs 1:8; Malachi 2:13-16; Ephesians 6:1-4). Thus, our ministries aim to equip parents and come alongside them to raise up a generation who, by grace, loves and serves Jesus passionately.

We love families at Brookville Baptist and while we have a nursery and Bible study classes for children, it is always more than acceptable for parents to keep their children with them in their own Bible classes. The same is true for worship. We encourage whole families to worship together, and for parents to train their children in how to sing, pray, and listen to God’s Word being proclaimed. We do offer a separate time of worship for children up to age 7 where children memorize Scripture, catechism questions, sing songs and have a lesson from the Bible.  (Deuteronomy 12:6-12; 29:10-11; 31:12-13; Joshua 8:30-35; 2 Chronicles 20:5-19; Nehemiah 8; Acts 20:7-12; Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:18-22).

Strong marriages that reflect the unwavering love of Christ for His Bride (the Church) are also very important to us (Romans 8:31-39; Ephesians 5:22-33). Throughout the year, we intentionally teach what the Bible says about building godly marriages, and our pastor delights in saturating couples in the gospel of grace as he and others offer biblical counsel. While we pray for God to banish new divorces from among us, we also reach out to those who need the healing balm of Jesus due to brokenness in families.

In truth, we are all broken people in need of the Savior’s love and grace. This reality is what drives our Family Ministry as we seek to do home and church God’s way. We hope you find Brookville Baptist to be a church where we actively and consistently train and encourage one another to be gospel-centered in our homes, workplaces, schools, community and in our Sunday gatherings!