There’s no book like the Bible. Christians want to be people of the book. We want to know and trust and treasure what God has revealed in His word. We want to live according to the book. Here at Brookville Baptist were always encouraging people to spend more and more time looking at the book of books. Let me introduce you to yet another way to study the Bible. Below is a short video explaining a video series entitled Look at the Book. Throughout the series trusted pastor and author John Piper helps us mine the riches of God’s word together. He not only helps us see glorious truth in the Scripture, but also helps us better learn how to study our Bibles ourselves.
I want to commend this excellent resource and specifically recommend each one of you work through the 32 part series on what is perhaps the Bible’s greatest chapter: Romans 8. Each session is around 10 minutes. Think of how good it would be for your soul if you each day for the next month read this chapter of the Bible and watched one of these short videos. This will be time well spent. May the Lord mature us all in this season. You can access the series at this link. Look at the Book – The Bible’s Greatest Chapter