Sermons on Bible
The Word Shall Succeed – Isaiah 55:6-11
e mission of God’s Word? What does God purpose to accomplish with the Scripture? In this short sermon, Pastor David explains that God is using His Word to save and sanctify a people for His own glory. God has sent forth His saving Word and it will accomplish it’s mission.
Preach the Word – 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Stay in the Word – 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Rightly Handling the Word – 2 Timothy 2:14-19
Guard the Gospel – 2 Timothy 1:13-14
Entrusted with the Gospel – 2 Timothy 1:1-7
I Will Remember and Meditate – Psalm 77
Christians live by the Word of God. In Psalm 77 we are reminded of the necessity of remembering and meditating on what God is revealed in His Word. In this sermon pastor David encourages a proactive approach to life. Christians must be intentionally thinking about who God is, what God has done and what He will do.