We are the Church
Say you were shopping at the mall and someone with a clipboard and pen asked, “Please define ‘church’ to the best of your ability.” Could you answer? If he asked a follow-up question, “What are the necessary and sufficient components of a church?” would you be stumped?
Use the word “church” today and the vast majority in our society, both Christian and non-Christian, immediately think of a building, a physical structure of some sort, whether in a strip mall or one of the more massive mega-churches.
The church is not a building or an event or an organization. In Scripture, God tells us the church is a people, a people for His own possession. An assembly of gathered believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. People who have turned from sin and trusted in Jesus are the church. So We Are The Church. Many say, “Today I went to church” but that is like saying “I went to family”. Instead we say “I was with my family”. And so we should say, ”Today I was with my church” because the church is the people of God.
In the series Pastor David answers the following questions:
What is the church?
What does the church do?
What is the church for?
Why should you join a church?